The National Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment is an equal opportunity, affirmative
action employer.
APPLICATIONS : Cape Town, Northern Cape, Eastern Cape, and Western Cape: Must be
submitted to the Director-General, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the
Environment, The Director: Integrated Human Resource Management, Private
Bag X4390, Cape Town, 8000 or hand-deliver to 14 Loop Street, Cape Town
or can be emailed to the respective email address quoting the reference
number on the subject email.
Pretoria: Must be submitted to the Director-General, Department of Forestry,
Fisheries and the Environment, Private Bag X447, Pretoria, 0001 or handdelivered to: Environment House, Erf 1563 Arcadia Extension 6, Cnr Soutpansberg and Steve Biko Road, Arcadia, Pretoria. or can be emailed to the respective email address quoting the reference number on the subject
CLOSING DATE : 24 February 2025
FOR ATTENTION : Human Resource Management
NOTE : Application must be submitted on a signed Z83 form obtainable from any Public
Service Department accompanied by a recent detailed Curriculum Vitae only,
to be considered. Shortlisted candidates will be required to submit certified
copies of qualifications, Senior Certificate, identity document and driver’s
license on or before the day of the interview. It is the applicant’s responsibility
to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualification
Authority (SAQA). The National Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the
Environment is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Preference
may be given to appointable applicants from the underrepresented designated
groups in terms of the Department’s equity plan. Persons with disabilities are
encouraged to apply. Correspondence will be limited to successful candidates
only. Short-listed candidates will be subjected to screening and security vetting
to determine their suitability for employment, including but not limited to:
Criminal records; Citizenship status; Credit worthiness; Previous employment
(reference checks); and Qualification verification. Short-listed candidates will
be expected to avail themselves at the Department’s convenience. Entry level
requirements for SMS posts: In terms of the Directive on Compulsory Capacity
Development, Mandatory Training Days & Minimum Entry Requirements for
SMS that was introduced on 1 April 2015, a requirement for all applicants for
SMS posts from 1 April 2020 is a successful completion of the Senior
Management Pre-Entry Programme as endorsed by the National School of
Government (NSG) prior to appointment. The course is available at the NSG
under the name Certificate for entry into SMS and the full details can be
obtained by following the below link:, Shortlisted candidates must
provide proof of successful completion of the course. All candidates shortlisted
for the posts will be subjected to a technical exercise that intends to test
relevant technical elements of the job. Following the interview and the
technical exercise of all SMS posts, the Selection Panel will recommend
candidates to attend a generic managerial competency assessment in
compliance with the DPSA Directive on the implementation of competencybased assessments. Persons appointed will be subjected to a security
clearance, the signing of performance agreement and employment contract.
The Department reserves the right not to make an appointment. If you have
not been contacted within three 3 months after the closing date of the
advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
SALARY : R308 154 per annum
CENTRE : Cape Town
REQUIREMENTS : National Diploma (NQF level 6) in Supply Chain Management or an appropriate
qualification in a related field. A minimum of One (1) year experience in Supply
Chain Management or related field. Knowledge of Logis system, logistics,
acquisition, and business practices. Ability to maintain assets and inventory
management systems and controls. Ability to develop, interpret and apply
policies, strategies and legislation. Ability to control and administer Database
of the department. Sufficient knowledge of specific computer software
packages and efficient use of associated hardware. Logistics management,
Acquisition and Contract management, Public Service legislative frameworks.
Adequate Project management. Good interpersonal relations, Relationship
Management, Stakeholder engagement. Service Delivery Innovation (SDI).
People Management and Empowerment. Ability to work long hours voluntarily.
Ability to work individually and in a team. Creativity, Honesty, Ability to work
under pressure. Ability to work with difficult persons and to resolve conflicts.
Sense of responsibility and loyalty, Initiative and creativity.
DUTIES : Ensure that assets are properly accounted for in the Asset Register and
complies with National Treasury Guidelines. Update new additions,
movements, transfers and disposals. Check and verify all transactions on
Logis. Reconcile BAS with the Asset Register monthly. Monitor all entries made
on the Asset Register as per minimum requirements. Conduct quarterly spotchecks and annual verification of assets and inventory items, reconcile the
outcomes to the asset register. Ensure recording of redundant assets for
disposal. Ensure Inventory stores are properly coordinated. Ensure user
account management on the Logis system. Co-ordinate user training on the
Logis system. Logging system related calls with Logik. Co-ordinate formal
training for Logis users. Ensure that asset policies and procedures guidelines
are implemented and ensure compliance thereof. Ensure that the Department’s
asset requirements are included in the budget. Ensure proper annual reporting
and reconciliations. Quality assurance of asset management processes.
Supervision of staff.
ENQUIRIES : Mr A Tshangana Tel No: (021) 493 7240
SALARY : R376 413 per annum
CENTRE : Western Cape
REQUIREMENTS : Degree/Diploma (NQF level 6) in Forestry or relevant equivalent qualification
coupled with a minimum of two (2) years relevant experience. Knowledge and
understanding of the National Forest Act 1998 (Act 84 of 1998), the National
Veld and Forest Fire Act, 1998 (Act 101 of 1998) and other environmental
legislations and its practical application. knowledge of Operations
Management. Problem Solving and Analysis. Project planning and
Management. Good Communication skills. Ability to work under pressure and
handle criticism. Ability to gather and analyse information. Good interpersonal
relations skills. Ability to negotiate in difficult situations and resolve conflict.
Good planning and organizing skills. Computer skills. Sense of responsibility
and loyalty. Initiative and creativity. Ability to work long hours and willingness
to travel.
DUTIES : Implementing operational plans for the plantations. Assist in updating annual
plans for operations. Quality ensures the work rendered by services providers.
Monitor compliance with applicable business processes for management of
state forest plantations. Assist with the preparation of the Loss Report and
provide evidence. Render technical support to forestry operations; Implement
the Audit Action Plan and keep record of evidence. Provide the progress report
on the implementation of the Audit Action Plan. Render forestry protection
activities; Ensure protection of plantations from fires, livestock and pests. Assist
with the implementation, enforcement and promotion of the National Act (NFA)
and National Veld Forest Fire Act (NVFFA). Implement plans to prevent and
combat veld and forest fires. Administer forestry support service. Participate in
stakeholder engagements. Conduct awareness campaigns. Provide technical
advice to stakeholders.
ENQUIRIES : Ms Thembile Dlungwana Tel No: (012) 309 5706
Three (03) Years Contract
SALARY : R376 413 per annum, plus 37% in lieu of benefits
CENTRE : Pretoria
REQUIREMENTS : Degree/National Diploma (NQF 6) in Accounting/Forensic Accounting or
relevant qualification. A minimum of two (2) years’ experience required in the
relevant field. Knowledge and experience in methods and techniques of basic
research and financial analysis. An added benefit would be experience in the
application of iBase, Analyst Notebook and MS Office. Ability to apply Laws to
recording keeping and dissemination of restricted information. Ability to collect
and interpret information and reports. Sound organizational and planning skills.
Ability to work independently and in a team. High level of planning and
coordination skills. Good communication skills and ability to work with arrange
of people. Reliability, efficiency and the ability to work under pressure. Valid
code 08 driver’s license and own vehicle.
DUTIES : Conduct analysis with associated affidavit statement on financial
information/data received. Draft financial intelligence centre applications with
associated feedback. Consolidate data, analyse trends and identify financial
flows and associated indicators. Ensure the capturing of financial data.
Conduct historical migration of existing financial data to National Environmental
Crime Database (NECD). Facilitate liaison with relevant stakeholders.
Participate in relevant meetings at National, Provincial or Agency levels as and
when required. Facilitate administration and reporting services.
ENQUIRIES : Ms C Van Tichlen at 076 780 7715
SALARY : R376 413 per annum
CENTRE : Mpumalanga
REQUIREMENTS : Degree/National Diploma (NQF6) in Natural Science/Environmental
Management or relevant qualification. A minimum of two (2) years’ experience
in relevant field. Understanding of Project management. Knowledge of Alien
vegetation control. Good communication skills and sound organization and
planning skills. Knowledge of Working for Water policies and procedures,
knowledge of legislation relevant to alien vegetation control will serve as an
added advantage. Knowledge of Public Service and Departmental procedures
and prescripts. Computer literacy, knowledge of the Public Finance
Management Act (PFMA). People management, change management and
empowerment skills. Valid driver’s license and willingness to travel and work
long hours with limited supervision.
DUTIES : Provide project planning support services to the project by developing a
strategic clearing plan and an Annual Plan of Operation (APO) for approval of
budget allocation. Facilitate the implementation of project plans through the
establishment of stakeholder engagement. Monitor implementation of project
plans by conducting site audits to ensure compliance with Working for Water
policies/standards, health and safety prescripts and various environment and
agriculture legislation which governs alien vegetation control. Render project
close out services by conducting final site inspections and facilitating the
handing over of cleared land to the land user.
ENQUIRIES : Mr B Mashabane at 066 489 3881
We wish you all the best with your applications.